
Caligula Swingers Club › NYC

United States , New York , New York City
Caligula Swingers Club › NYC

Caligula is a swingers club located in New York City, which has attracted the attention of both New York City and out-of-town swingers for many years. It continues to increase its reputation and recognition gradually, and therefore to develop and keep up with the requirements of the new age and the new generation. Thanks to its structure and the efforts of its team, Caligula also makes swingers with both classical and modern mindsets feel at home. We are off to a great start.

After all, isn't the aim of swinger clubs for all kinds of people in this lifestyle to have fun and have sexual adventures in an environment free of prejudices, with a completely relaxed mind? We think so. This is something Caligula accomplished years ago and continues to achieve, getting better every day. Don't worry, we will not make you too much curious and ask you to research everything you wonder about Caligula yourself. In this article, we will give you all the information you want to know about this swingers club and we will try to consider every possible question you may ask. At the end of the article, we will make sure that there will be no question marks in your mind.

Who can enter

First of all, let's talk about who can become a member of this swingers club and who can join their parties. Caligula New York is following a path that we have seen in a few clubs before in this regard. Without further ado, let's start the explanation. Couples can of course enter, that's not even a question. Because we know that there is no such thing as swinger lifestyle without couples. So, let's skip our precious couples and come to the main thing.

Single ladies can attend all of Caligula’s events after paying the membership fee and if there is an extra fee for the party they will attend, without being subjected to any election stage. There is no restriction in this regard or, as we have just mentioned, the stage of selection.

As for single men, Caligula did not ban all single men from entering events like some other swinging clubs. Instead, they decided to use a selection system. So what does male singles have to do to attend Caligula parties? First of all, after paying the membership fee and filling in the necessary information, your membership will be completed. However, completing your membership process does not mean that you can participate in the events. There is a selection stage, these selections are not always made according to the same criteria. Of course, there are certain criteria, but apart from these, the criteria of party owners in different parties can also be effective in the selection of single men to participate in the event. If you are among the men selected in line with these criteria, this means that you can now participate in the event.

We think that it is better to introduce such a selection system than to ban the participation of single men altogether. And we see that the majority of other people in the swinger lifestyle think like us. Where do we understand this from? When we go back a few years, we can easily see that a large percentage of swinger clubs did not accept single men under any circumstances. However, when we look at the last years, we can say that the single male attendance has increased in percentage with the election system, and even the number of swinger clubs using this system in some regions of America exceeds the others.


Before moving on to pricing and other information, we would like to talk a little bit about Caligula's location information. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, Caligula is based in New York City. In other words, in the most popular and elite city of New York state. This alone gives you some ideas. In more detail, it is located in Astoria, Queens. If you have no idea where Astoria is, we can say that it is right on the edge of New York City. Long story short, this swingers club offers you the convenience of transportation as well as its quality. Let's not forget that many guest swingers come from out of town at each party.

Membership fee and party pricing

We have come to the part where we will tell you about Caligula Swingers Club membership prices. First, let's start with the couples, as we do in every article. If you are a couple, the membership fee ranges from $75 to $95 for you. Then, if you are a single lady, the membership fee is as little as $25 for you. Lastly, if you are a single man, the situation is completely different. It is a process to be done after choosing the fee you will pay for the party you will go to and for the membership. To get information on this subject, you can reach the Caligula team through one of the communication channels and get more detailed information.

We have finished the membership pricing. We will now talk about extra fees you may have to pay in some cases for parties and other events. As you know, Caligula is not just a swingers club that regularly organizes parties in a single party area. Of course, parties are constantly held in the main club area, which we mentioned in the location section, but we can say that there are also many Caligula events are held outside of that place. Club members with big houses can organize their own parties or Caligula can organize parties in some different locations. These different activities can have different themes. They organize many different activities such as activities where board games are played, dance parties, activities for different specific fantasies and so on. Sometimes completely free parties can be organized for Caligula members, but it would not be wrong to say that most of the parties have their own fees.

When you log into Caligula New York's website, you will see a page called Events. After you click and enter this page, you will be able to see upcoming events with their dates. Then, you choose one of these events and go into its own page, you can get more detailed information. On this page, you can find the entrance fee information of that specific party and many more information about it.


Now let's get to the most important part. As in every swingers club, Caligula has a set of rules that they have set. In this section, we will tell you about it. The first thing we want to talk about is the purpose of this club. Let us remind you that Caligula is a private club and is in this lifestyle for people to spend time in a quality environment free from any kind of prejudice. Here, people in the swinger lifestyle mingle, have drinks, dance and more. Later, if both parties feel the same and both parties approve, they engage in some sexual activities. Since the Caligula team wants the atmosphere at the parties to be exactly like this, they try to keep away from the events of anyone who may reduce the quality of the atmosphere and behave unexpectedly. And they have clearly stated on their website that anyone who does not abide by even one of the rules that we will mention shortly, who violates the rules, will be immediately kicked out of the party area.

The most crucial one is learning to tolerate rejection. The acceptance of your offers is not necessary by the other party. You should respectfully thank the other person if they reject you and then walk away. In a swingers club, it is unethical to insist, use a variety of justifications to encourage the other party to accept your offer, and waste their time. You won't always be able to please everyone, thus you will ultimately be rejected by other swingers. Accept it gracefully rather than with resentment. Every member of the lifestyle must develop rejection of tolerance.

Treat other couples or singles with respect at all times and under all circumstances. Do not interact in any way that will disrupt the respectful and friendly atmosphere in the environment. If you're interested in a couple or single, go up to them and say you want to meet or talk. If the other party's response is positive, start having a conversation respectfully. Who knows, maybe you will find your partner(s) for the end of the night.

Caligula team and members absolutely do not tolerate any form of harassment. For this reason, you cannot engage in even the slightest physical or verbal harassment. Unless, of course, you want to be kicked out of the party area instantly.

Be careful not to drink too much alcohol. It is perfectly okay to consume enough alcohol to relax and communicate more easily. But more than that is not okay. Over-drunk and lost guests will be warned by the party team and are expected to heed the warning. If they do not do what is expected, they will be kicked out of the club area, as per the rules above.

Never try to assume anything about people at the party. Do not assume that they will respond or react to any of your requests, questions or actions. Instead of assuming, try to be direct and ask that person or couple.

Before you come to events, find a solution if you and your partner have jealousy issues. Jealousy problems affect everyone you come in contact with, not just you and your partner. In fact, the possibility of escalating arguments between you raises the possibility of influencing even people who do not communicate with you. For this reason, talk to your partner by thinking about every possibility that may occur at the party, and if there is a problem, join the party after finding a solution to this problem. If these problems arose during the party, talk to your partner face-to-face when you two are alone. Try to think of a solution. If you don't seem to find any, call it a day, and leave the party area. After all, that party won't be Caligula's last. After you solve the problems between you and your partner, you can participate in the next event.

Drugs are strictly prohibited in Caligula. Any kind of drug use is strictly forbidden. You will be kicked out of the party if it is seen to be used or even carried.

The last thing we want to talk about in the rules section is about the couples only play area in Caligula. Men are forbidden to enter this area unless they are accompanied by a lady.

Some other frequently asked questions about Caligula

Let's talk briefly about what hours and days Caligula is open. The exact days the club is open are Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. You can find it open between 9pm and 3am on Wednesdays. Open on Fridays between 10pm and 4am. Finally, you can find Caligula open between 9.30pm and 4am on Saturdays. You can also follow the website for other parties and events held outside of these days and hours.

Like all elite swinger clubs, Caligula has a dress code. We would like to talk about this briefly. First, of course, all clothes must be clean and well-groomed. It is forbidden to wear shoes used purely for sports. Standard sneakers can be worn, but high-top sneakers and other similar shoes cannot be used.

Things like snapback caps and bandanas are also prohibited as they will degrade your reputation and classiness. If you come to the party area with one of these outfits, you can take it off as you wish and keep it in a locker until the party is over.

In addition, sleeveless clothing for men and shorts that are not cinched at waist level for women are not permitted. Apart from these, any non-absurd clothing is allowed.

So we come to the end of our Caligula New York article. If this article aroused your curiosity, or if you were already curious and decided to attend Caligula parties after this article, then this article has served its purpose. The next step is to enter the Caligula website and perform the necessary steps for membership.

Have fun swingers!

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