
Club Adam och Eva - Sweden

Sweden , Östergötland County , Norrköping
Club Adam och Eva - Sweden

In this article, we will talk about Club Adam och Eva (Adam and Eve), which has been one of the most common meeting places for swingers in Norrköping for many years. By the way, we don't mean to exaggerate when we say many years, they have been serving people in the lifestyle since 1998 and it seems that they will continue for many years to come. We can't help but mention that it is one of the oldest clubs in entire Sweden. Club Adam and Eve is a swingers club that will appeal to you in every way. We will talk about this at length in this article. But first, let's start with the interesting story of this club.

The Story of Club Adam and Eve

As we just mentioned, this swingers club has been open since 1998 and has attracted and continues to attract thousands of young and experienced swingers ever since. It is clear that the current owner is no different from the previous owners. He is a person who serves all his members and all party guests in the best way and wants to give them experiences that they will never forget for the rest of their lives. He is a person who has devoted his life to developing this club even more and thinking about how to get better everytime.

But three years after he took over the club in 2010, an unfortunate event happened, and the building that Adam och Eva was in burned down. But that wasn't enough for him to give up. Together with himself and some of his devoted friends, he opened the new Adam och Eva in the basement of a great building in Norrköping. In doing so, he managed to create a better and more modern swingers club than before, using his previous experience and knowledge. And this swingers club was reopened in 2014 with the same name and started to serve people in the lifestyle. And it still works flawlessly.

After this experience, they devoted themselves to one thing. To provide an excellent experience to swingers and to show their difference by having what other clubs are missing. In order to provide this environment, they did not forget to give you opportunities of spa, hot sauna and jacuzzi.

Who can enter Club Adam och Eva?

After giving this swingers club so much praise, it's probably natural for you to be curious and want to go to one of their parties. For this reason, we first wanted to cover the topic of who can enter these parties and events.

First of all, let's talk about our precious couples. There's really nothing to talk about, but whatever. They are the main guests of this club as in every club. They are essential for us. And of course, their entry is completely okay for every party and event.

When it comes to single ladies, they are also the perfect people to make couples' bed adventures more enjoyable than before, so they are free to enter all parties. But when it comes to single men, the situation changes as it always does. Single men can also become members of Adam and Eve if they wish, but when it comes to attending parties and other events, we would like to say that not every single man who is a member can attend all events. In these cases, as in many other swinger clubs, some selections are made among single men about which ones will participate in the party or event. Then, if you are among the chosen ones, you can join the party.

Membership pricing

Speaking of becoming a member, let's take a look at the membership system and membership fees, which is one of the most asked objects of curiosity. Memberships can only be obtained annually, as elsewhere in the world. First of all, you fill out the information requested by their team and apply for membership. If your membership is approved, you pay the fee and your membership process is completed.

The membership fee is 600 SEK for couples, 350 SEK for single ladies, and finally 1000 SEK for single men. When one year passes since the day you received your membership, you have to pay the membership fee again to get a new annual membership.

They also have a membership option called “mix membership.” This is a system that has been introduced to prevent the same people from having more than one membership. Couples with mix memberships have the right to enter the parties alone, without their partner. But this club has very strict and serious rules about this membership. They don't allow everyone to get this membership. They do not even share the price information of this membership on their website. You can learn all the information only by e-mailing them. If you want to get mix membership with your partner, your only option is to contact Adam och Eva team via e-mail, get information about it from them and complete the necessary steps.

Since they do everything they do with care, they are against a fully automatic membership system on their website. Instead, they have set up a system where you can get membership via e-mail. This is how it works: if you are a couple or a single lady, you send an e-mail to the contact e-mail address on their website and they inform you step by step about what you need to do. When you complete these steps and provide the information requested from you, you complete the membership process. If you are a single male, there is a slight difference in your membership process from others. Again, like the others, you send an e-mail and you are told one by one step by step how to complete your membership. After completing these, you are invited to a test night. Single guys who will participate in this audition night should be between the ages of 25-50 and should be good at social communication, meeting new people, and social skills in general.

There is a few pieces of information they want from you in the email we just mentioned, which you need to send to the Adam och Eva team in order to complete your membership process. This email should include: your age, a clear photo of your face, a brief description of yourself, your past adventures in the swinger lifestyle, your expectations from Club Adam och Eva, and finally information that you know what you want from a swingers club if you are a single man.

Let's say you have completed your membership. Now let's move on to the next step. If you want to attend one of their parties, there is a fee to pay for each of them. Non-members of Adam och Eva can also attend many of these events, but club members are given very good deals on prices. A single guest or couple who is not a member has to pay 450 SEK per person if they want to enter the party. But those who are members pay a fee of 350 SEK per person for the same party. We would also like to give a small detail about this. Only couples and single women can visit the events and parties as guests. Single guys, on the other hand, cannot attend parties as guests unless they are members.

For Weekend Entry, there is a fee of 600 SEK for guests and 500 SEK for members. But when we say weekend, we want to say that we are talking about Friday and Saturday, not Saturday and Sunday, just to make everything clear. We don’t want any confusion after all. Weekend participation fees must be paid on Friday. Finally, there are also theme parties and the pricing for these theme parties may differ from those mentioned above.

Before closing the membership topic, we would like to briefly mention one more thing. There is a very nice website called CAE-Members. This website is a special social media for Adam och Eva members. Here you can share photos, meet other members and also discover new events. Since it is an environment where only club members are present, you can be as comfortable as you want. So, how can you become a member of CAE-Members? As with standard club memberships, you should also send an e-mail to the team. Here's what the team expects from you in this e-mail: A clear photo of your Adam och Eva membership card, your first and last name as it appears on the membership card (couples should enter both people's first and last names), your membership type (couple, single girl or single man), profile registration an e-mail address, and finally the username you will use for your CAE-Members account. After checking your information in the e-mail, the club team will create your membership on your behalf and send you the necessary information via e-mail.

Swingers Club Adam & Eve - Norrköping - Sweden

What Adam och Eva provide for you

It firstly offers you a modern and intimate environment. The opportunities here are endless. You can dance as you wish in the huge dance floor, have a good time with your partner, and have the opportunity to meet your potential partners while dancing. In addition to these, as we briefly mentioned above, you can have spa to relax and rest, and have fun in the jacuzzi. Not to mention the playrooms anyway. You can push the limits of your fantasy life in the playrooms, after all, no one is holding you back. Let's not forget that you don't have to carry a condom and towel with you when you come to parties. They already offer you both condoms and towels. But you are still free to bring your own. There are also cabinets with locks at your disposal where you can store your valuables, phones, and clothes.


There are some rules set by Adam och Eva team and our task will be to explain them to you one by one. First of all, it is a swingers club that values ​​privacy. Therefore, they expect members to be careful about this as well. Do not talk about what others are doing, what is happening within the Club; just focus on what you do. Outside the club is even more serious than that. Let alone talking about what happened at the club, you are completely forbidden to even give any names.

The 'no means no' rule is valid under all circumstances and should be accepted by all. This rule is the most important rule in Adam och Eva as it is in almost all swingers clubs in the world. Being able to accept rejection is a great virtue, and those who do not have this virtue are asked not to attend parties.

Those who are in the playroom or relaxation area are expected to be dressed in a sexy way. The reason for this is to preserve and, if possible, increase the sexiness and intimateness of the atmosphere. Complete nudity is not expected from anyone, but as much as possible, you are expected to be lightly dressed in these areas according to your wishes.

You are welcome to bring your own bottle of alcohol to the parties or events if you wish, but this applies only to the general party area. It is strictly forbidden to bring your own alcohol into the playrooms. The reason for this is to prevent some unexpected events that you can predict from happening. In addition, the sale of drugs is completely prohibited. Once caught, the person’s membership will be permanently suspended and they will be reported to the police.

In the same way as the sale of drugs, the sale or monetizing of sexual services is strictly prohibited. At Adam och Eva, an environment has been created where you can meet new people and have sexual intercourse if you are compatible with each other, completely willingly. No sexual activity for money is allowed and as soon as it is noticed, the memberships of those people will be canceled and they will be reported to the police.

People who offend others in any way will be kicked out of the party and will not be reimbursed in any way for the fee paid at the party entrance. However, their membership will not be suspended completely and the next parties will be given a chance to come so that they can maybe realize their mistakes and have several opportunities to correct them. If this offense and disturbance occur a few more times, this time the person's membership will be suspended and they will no longer be able to attend their parties. In addition, any membership fees they have paid will not be refunded.

Cell phones and any photographic device are strictly prohibited. As we mentioned in the first item, Adam och Eva places great emphasis on privacy. For this reason, you cannot use any device that you can take photos or videos with, not just a mobile phone. This will result in the suspension of your membership.

The minimum age to visit their place and participate in any of their events is 23 years old.

For pre-paid parties, you can cancel your ticket if you decide against participating in the party. If you cancel your ticket two weeks or more before the party, half of the participation fee you paid will be refunded to you. However, if you cancel your ticket a week or less before the party, no refund will be given. Refunds are made after the party is over.

The last rule we will talk about is only for couples. If you arrive to the Adam och Eva party as a couple, you should act like a couple. Neither one should act as if they came alone.

A few last words

Before we finish our article, let's talk about a few more things that we haven't mentioned but that you may be curious about. It is not mandatory to use condoms in the parties, but it is highly encouraged because safe sex is the greatest form of sex and therefore Adam Eva has condoms in the playrooms, thinking that you will prefer safe sex.

Having sex isn't necessary at Adam och Eva parties. It all depends entirely on your decisions. If you find someone or a couple that suits your taste, you can go to the playroom together. Or you may not have sex at all if you wish. Additionally, nudity is not mandatory. But in the playrooms and relaxation rooms, you are expected to be at least lightly dressed.

In this article, we examined Adam Eva in every detail. What are you waiting for to go to Norrköping's most popular swingers club? Start your membership as soon as possible and start joining their parties. That's it from us. Have fun swingers!

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